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Sharing our TEC insights at the Care Show

Last week, Community Integrated Care joined professionals from across the social care sector at this year’s Care Show in Birmingham, to share our charity’s insights in Technology Enabled Care (TEC).

Joanna Scammell, Community Integrated Care's Managing Director for TEC sits onstage at the Care Show with four other panelists.Hosted annually at the National Exhibition Centre, the event brings together individuals, teams and organisations who share a common vision to improve the quality of care in the UK.

Joanna Scammell, our charity’s Managing Director for TEC, was delighted to attend the event and share key learnings from our charity’s work in implementing technology solutions. Joanna also featured as a guest speaker on a panel hosted by care management software providers, Nourish.

Sharing her experience and some of the day’s highlights, Joanna said:-

“It was fantastic to attend the Care Show and join Nourish on their panel, ‘How effective use of technology and data can lead to improvements in quality of care and the creation of new models of care.’ To be joined by a variety of organisations, all at different stages in their journey to incorporating technology and digital systems into their practice, was really interesting.

As one of the first care providers to adopt Nourish and transition to digital care records, we were proud to share everything we’ve learnt so far with other attendees and panellists. It was especially thought-provoking to hear about how other people are using Nourish; there were some amazing examples of teams using the platform in creative ways and stories of people supported being empowered to access their own digital information. It highlighted just how important it is for us to come together as a sector and share our learning, as there are always ways that we can learn from one another.

We also had the opportunity to share our work on creating a Virtual Care Centre for our charity and how we’re supporting people to have more independence, choice and flexible support using Technology Enabled Care and blended technology. At Community Integrated Care, we’re leading the way in how we’re leveraging technology and trailblazing many of these new innovations on behalf of social care, so it was especially insightful to share our experiences with others, welcome feedback from professionals in the sector, and learn where we might go next.”

Joanna also joined the judging panel for the semi-finals of the Care Innovation Challenge which took place across the two days of the Care Show. You can find out more about how the Care Innovation Challenge here, and read more about our charity’s work in Technology Enabled Care here.

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