Josephine receives volunteering award
After many years of fantastic volunteering efforts, Josephine, a person we support in Sunderland, has been recognised with a special five-year award from the British Heart Foundation!
Having started volunteering with the charity back in 2019, Josephine supports the organisation by volunteering at her local shop.
The role has been incredibly fulfilling for Josephine. Her journey with the charity began when she made the decision that she wanted to volunteer and make a difference. Colleagues explored different options with Josephine on how she could give back to her community – but it was a spur-of-the-moment decision that led Josephine to where she is today!
Josephine said, “I was out in town with my support team one afternoon, and after visiting their charity shop, I felt like the British Heart Foundation would be the perfect place for me to get involved with volunteering. Once I had the idea, my team were really supportive, so I went into the shop and asked if I could work there. Five years later, I’m still so happy they said yes!”
Josephine has made lots of friends volunteering at the branch over the years. Keeping in touch with fellow colleagues long after they have moved on to new roles, Josephine is a much-loved member of the staff team – so when she came up to five years with the organisation, the team were delighted to share a special certificate with her.
“When I was given the award, I was so proud, I almost cried! I was so pleased to receive it, and it’s now hanging pride of place in a frame in my room,” Josephine shared.
“Working at the shop, I really feel like I am making a difference. I would encourage anybody to give volunteering a go. It’s helped me become a part of my local community, meet new people, and help others!”
Chris Christie, Service Leader for Josephine’s support team, has seen her flourish since she took on her volunteering role. Chris said: “Volunteering has been such an incredible opportunity for Josephine. Since she began working with the team, she has made some lifelong friends, and playing her part at the shop gives her an immense feeling of pride. We’re delighted to see Josephine recognised after so many years of giving back to her community!”
Community Integrated Care works in the community, delivering life-enhancing support to over 3,000 people with a diverse range of care needs, including: learning disabilities, mental health concerns, age-related needs, and dementia. Find out more about the different types of support Community Integrated Care provides here.