Sporting Stars Join What To Do!
Tonight (Wednesday 22nd June 2022), Rugby League Stars Peter Mata’utia, Faye Gaskin, and FA Women’s Super League Academy Manager, Tony Fretwell, will join Community Integrated Care on What To Do, to discuss sporting success and how the people we support can achieve their dreams.
With live discussions, this special session will aim to provide the people we support with advice on a variety of topics – including how they can develop independence in the world of work or volunteering, and how they can develop the confidence of a sporting star.
The session follows the amazing achievements of its three hosts. Peter Mata’utia captains some of the most skilled players in the world for the Combined Nations All Stars and is a new addition to Warrington Wolves. Meanwhile, Faye Gaskin is a Super League title winner, as well as a Challenge Cup winner. Finally, Tony Fretwell has a distinguished career recognising the England players of the future and is adept at helping people achieve their potential – making for a truly inspiring session for the people we support later today.
The event will begin at 6pm today (Wednesday 22nd June 2022), on