We’re committed to continuous improvement and welcome all feedback to help our charity be the best it can be. If you have any feedback on Community Integrated Care or the services we deliver please use the following form and select ‘Compliment’, ‘Comment’ or ‘Complaint’.
If you are raising a complaint an investigation will be carried out by an impartial person and we will aim resolve your complaint within 20 working days, unless there are other local arrangements in place.
All feedback will be acknowledged within 3 working days. If you are raising a complaint an investigation will be carried out by an impartial person and we will aim resolve your complaint within 20 working days, unless there are other local arrangements in place.
Please note: If you wish to submit your feedback anonymously you can do so but we will not be able to acknowledge your enquiry, without your contact details. If you do provide feedback anonymously, please ensure you include details of the service you are referring to, so that we can identify where your feedback relates to and ensure that this is passed on and actioned as required.
Find our full Comments & Complaints Policy here.
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