LGBTQIA+ Resources
Whether you have lived experience as a member of a LGBTQIA+ community or are an ally, there’s lots of educational resources available on LGBTQIA+ issues, and support options if you or a loved one is struggling. Remember, if you require further assistance, you can talk to your Line Manager or Regional People Team.
Educational Resources
OpenLearn’s LGBTQ Hub
Click here to explore free articles, activities and videos provided by The Open University, around the topics of sexuality, gender and LGBTQIA+ history.
Stonewall’s List of LGBTQ+ Terms
For a glossary of definitions of various phrases related to the LGBTQIA+ communities, visit Stonewall’s website, here.
Mind – Offering Support to Someone Who Is LGBTQIA+
Mind have shared some great information on how to support a LGBTQIA+ person in your life who may be struggling with their mental health.
ENEI’s Pride Hub
Click here to visit the Employers Network for Equality & Inclusion’s LGBTQ+ and Pride Hub. This page explores the significance of Pride, upcoming events and where you can access further resources and information.
Charities and Organisations
Switchboard LGBT+ Helpline
Switchboard LGBT+ Helpline run a helpline operated by LGBT+ people, and can offer support around various issues including coming out, looking for LGBT+ events and venues, social groups and family problems.
Pink Therapy
Pink Therapy provide an online directory of qualified therapists who identify as or are understanding of minority sexual and gender identities.
LGBT Foundation
A national charity that deliver advice, support and information services to lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans communities. Various services are available, including support with sexual health and substance abuse.
London Friend
Run by the LGBTQ+ community, London Friend host ‘Antidote’, an online alcohol and drug drop-in clinic, via Zoom. They also operate a helpline and offer peer support and advice.
LGBT Hero are a national health and wellbeing charity supporting LGBTQ+ people by providing information, advice and various types of support, including one-to-one, group and peer support.