LEAD-ing from the front!
In September we launched our brand-new colleague development program, LEAD (Learn, Enable and Deliver). A transformative three-day learning experience which provides our frontline leaders with the space to take a step back, reflect and develop their leadership style.
As part of a significant investment into our people, the program supports our managers in understanding their role, responsibilities, and the knowledge, skills and behaviours they need to be the best they can be – whilst ensuring a focus on both their own and their teams’ wellbeing.
This unique learning experience was created, developed and delivered entirely in-house by Community Integrated Care’s dedicated Learning & Development Team. Throughout the past 5 months, incredibly they have brought together over 100 colleagues across England and Scotland to focus on their own personal development.
Helen Gibbins, Learning & Development Manager at Community Integrated Care said, “Through a series of immersive face-to-face workshops, the program created an environment where our colleagues could share best practice, explore emotional intelligence and work together to build the foundations to mentor, train and coach colleagues across our charity.”
“As part of the investment in our people, our charity has committed to co-designing our learning programs with colleagues directly receiving training. By bringing together different voices and experiences, we want to ensure the training we deliver is the most effective for our colleagues and helps our charity to provide the best lives possible for the people we support.”
Our Service Leaders, Tammy and Amy, commented on what this special programme has achieved for them so far:
Amy Crawford, Service Leader at Strothers Road: “I’ve been thinking about what I can do differently ever since – whether that’s my leadership style or how I should push myself out of my comfort zone more often.”
Tammy Wallace, Service Leader at West Lodge: “It didn’t take long for me to realise that this was something different! There were no external training providers, instead our People Team and Operational Leaders worked together to deliver an immersive experience. It was clear this would be inclusive and we even felt comfortable to get quite emotional!”
As we continue to deliver LEAD to our colleagues across our organisation, we look forward to sharing the secrets of this special opportunity with you and updating you on how our leaders have progressed. In the meantime, you can read a special article about LEAD in the latest edition of our You First magazine.