RLWC Skills Journal Launched
The Learning Disability Super League (LDSL) is ready to hit the ground running in Rugby League’s World Cup year, in partnership with our charity who is the official Social Care partner of the event.
As there may are still restrictions and uncertainty over when players and teams can gather together again, the Rugby Football League has worked with our charity and Rugby Club Foundations to develop a 33-week programme linking to the Rugby League World Cup at the end of 2021.
The LDSL Rugby League World Cup Skills Journal will empower the LDSL community to be active in their homes through incentivised challenges. Each of the 33 challenges has been set by a competing team from across the Men’s, Women’s and Wheelchair World Cups – and completing the challenges will earn congratulatory postcards from stars of the game.
Each player will be sent a Rugby League ball as part of their introductory pack, and the resources will all be delivered by the LDSL Foundations to their players.
Marc Lovering, the RFL’s Director of Participation and Development, said: “The LDSL has been such a great success story for the game – but also one of the areas which has seen the most impact from the Covid 19 Pandemic, which meant little to no activity was able to go ahead in 2020.
“Despite the current situation, we remain determined to re-engage with our participants at some point in the coming season. But we thought it was important that in the short-term they have the opportunity to practise at home.
“The Rugby League World Cup Skills Journal is a fantastic resource that allows all our players to get excited about Rugby League again and the prospect of playing – building the excitement towards RLWC2021 later this year.
“This bespoke resource offers our foundations a great engagement tool for players but also offers our players with learning disabilities a way to engage with Rugby League in a way none of our other demographics currently can.
“I’d like to pay tribute to the support we continue to receive from the LDSL Foundations and also from everyone at Community Integrated Care – showing again why we were so pleased that Mark Adams, their Chief Executive, received the RFL President’s Award from Clare Balding late in 2020.”