We know just how important it is to be able to call a house a home. That’s why at Community Integrated Care we’ve built thriving relations with housing providers to source and adapt properties that the people we support are proud to live in.
Flexibility and choice
We support adults of all ages with a wide range of needs, including learning disabilities, physical disabilities, complex needs (including dual diagnosis), mental health conditions, sensory and communication needs, challenging behaviours and autism.
We aim to deliver a service that gives people real choice and control over how they live their lives, fostering independence and support to achieve personal goals and aspirations.
Working in partnership
We have strong links with a range of housing providers, including social Registered Providers, private landlords and investors.
By working together, we are able to source bespoke properties, making adaptations tailored to individual needs, ongoing property maintenance and working collaboratively to assist people to maintain their tenancies.

Personalised to suit you
Our services are individually tailored to meet the unique needs of every person we support. We can offer care service support in various accommodation models, including:
- Individual homes
- Flat schemes
- Shared supported houses
- Individual outreach services
- Extra care services
We can provide as much (or as little) support as needed, from 24-hour support to just a few hours of flexible support in the community.

Find out more
For more information about our Housing approach, please get in touch.